日期:2021-06-08 阅读次数: 作者: 来源:

姓    名:谢在来
性    别:
职    称:“闽江学者”特聘教授  (博导)
学    历:博士
职    务:
电    话:0591-22866102
专    业:无机化学、物理化学、材料化学




波茨坦大学以及马普胶体界面研究所博士 (2012)


马普化学能源转化研究所-多相反应部博士后 (2014-2015














Our lab is mainly interested in sustainable materials synthesis. We focus on the customized materials with optimized performance for series of applications in heterogeneous reactions including those relevant in the fields of energy conversion and environmental science (e.g. the transformation of C1 molecules to valuable chemicals and fuels, the evolution ofoxygen as an anode reaction of water splitting and electro-catalytic H2 production). Materials of such systems include porous carbon, graphene, boron carbonitride, and size-controlled metal nanoparticles. In order to obtain a deeper understanding of the catalytic processes and the influence of components (vs. the surface composition, spatial structure, morphology of materials), we employ a variety of state-of-the-art microscopy characterization methods and scattering techniques, including electron microscopy (SEM, TEM) and in situ X-ray spectroscopy.






[1] 国家自然科学基金面上项目(B020102):核碱基自组装导向纳米碳催化剂的合成与烷烃氧化脱氢反应性能调控,22072018,(63.0 万,2021.01-2024.12);

[2] 国家自然科学基金面上项目(B03):基于PMMA-SiO2含染料离子凝胶薄膜光功能材料的制备和性能研究,21571035,(70.0 万,2016.01-2019.12);

[3] 福建省闽江学者特聘教授启动基金:多孔纳米碳设计合成与多相催化,0041-510140,(300.0 万, 2015.04-2018.03);

[4] 煤炭高效利用与绿色化工国家重点实验室:铑基催化剂用于煤经合成气转化制备低碳醇,2020-KF-16,(5.0 万,2020.01-2022.12);

[5] 能源与环境光催化国家重点实验室开放课题:碳量子点基光催化剂的可控制备及其在太阳燃料合成中的应用,SKLPEE-20190019,(5.0 万,2020.01-2022.12);

[6] 固体表面物理化学国家重点实验室开放基金:氮掺杂纳米碳负载金属铑基催化剂的设计以及用于合成气转化制备低碳醇的研究,201518,(10.0 万,2016.01-2018.12);

[7] 结构化学国家重点实验室开放基金:Rh基催化剂用于合成气转化制备低碳醇的催化机制研究,20170009(4.0 万,2017.01-2019.12)。



Independent research at FZU from 2015


[49] J. -D. Yi, R. K. Xie, Z. L. Xie, G.- L. Chai*, T. F. Liu, R. P. Chen, Y.- B. Huang, and R. Cao*, Highly Selective CO2 Electroreduction to CH4 by In Situ Generated Cu2O Single-Type Sites on Conductive MOF: Stabilizing Key Intermediates with Hydrogen Bond, Angew. Chem. Int. Ed., 2021, In press.

[48] Y. Chen, Y. Y. Li, B. S. Wang, M. J. Lin, Z. L. Xie*, D. Y. Chen*, Fluorinated poly(fluorenyl ether)s with linear multi-cationic side chains for vanadium redox flow batteries, Sci. China Mater. 2021, In press.

[47] B. B.Huang, Y. C. Liu, and Z. L. Xie*, Two dimensional nanocarbons from biomass and biological molecules: synthetic strategies and energy related applications, J. Energy Chem., 2021, 54, 795-814..


[46] X. F. Zhang, P. Q. Yan, J. K. Xu, F., Li, F., Herold, B. J. M. Etzold, P. Wang, D. S. Su, S., Lin*, W. Qi* and Z. L. Xie*, Methanol conversion on borocarbonitride catalysts: identification and quantification of active sites, Sci. Adv., 2020, 6,eaba5778.

[45] L. Xiong, Y. F. Hu, Z. G Zheng, Z. L. Xie*, D. Y. Chen*,Chloromethylation and Quaternization of Poly(aryl ether ketone sulfone)s with Clustered Electron-rich Phenyl Groups for Anion Exchange Membranes, Chinese J. Polym. Sci. 2020, 38, 278-287.

[44] G. M. Wang, P. Wang, X. F. Zhang, Q. H. Wei, S. C. Wu* and  Z. L. Xie*, Nucleobase Derived Boron and Nitrogen co-doped Carbon Nanosheet as Efficient Catalyst for Selective Oxidation and Reduction Reactions, Nanoscale, 2020, 12,7797-7803.

[43] K. -H. Wu, D. Wang, X. Y. Lu, X. F. Zhang,  Z. L. Xie*, Y. F. Liu, D. S. Su, W. Qi*, S. J. Guo*, Highly Selective Hydrogen Peroxide Electrosynthesis on Carbon: In-Situ Interface Engineering with Surfactants, CHEM, 2020, 6, 1443-1458.

.[42] K. Xu, Y. Y. Yue, X. J. Bao, Z. L. Xie, H. B. Zhu*, Propane Dehydrogenation over Pt Clusters Localized at the Sn Single-Site in Zeolite Framework, ACS Catal., 2020, 10, 1, 818-828.

[41] X. Hu, Y. C. Liu, H. T. Huang, G. L. Chai* and Z. L. Xie*, Template-free Synthesis of Graphene-like Carbons as Efficient Carbocatalysts for Selective Oxidation of Alkanes, Green Chem. 2020,22, 1291-1300.

[40] Y. C. Liu, B. B. Huang, Q. H. Wei*, and Z. L. Xie*, One-step synthesis of N, P-codoped carbon nanosheets encapsulated CoP particles for highly efficient oxygen evolution reaction, Front. Chem. 2020, 7:805.

[39] B. B. Huang, Y. C. Liu, M. Xia, J. G. Qiu, and Z. L. Xie*, Building microspheres-nanosheets structure in N-doped carbon to improve their performance in oxygen reduction reaction and vanadium redox flow battery, Sustain. Energy & Fuel, 2020, 4, 559 - 570.

[38] J. G. Qiu, B. B. Huang, Y. C. Liu, D. Chen* and Z. L. Xie*, Glucose-derived hydrothermal carbons as energy storage booster for vanadium redox flow batteries, J. Energy Chem., 2020, 45, 31-39.

[37] B. B. Huang, Y. C. Liu, Q. G, Y. X. F, M. M. Titirici, X. C. Wang and Z. L. Xie*, Porous carbon nanosheets from biological nucleobase precursor as efficient pH-independent oxygen reduction electrocatalyst, Carbon, 2020, 156, 179-186.

[36] L. Zhou, J. Zhu, M. Lin, J. Xu, Z. L. Xie*,, and D. Chen*, Tetra-alkylsulfonate functionalized poly(aryl ether) membranes with nanosized hydrophilic channels for efficient proton conduction, J. Energy Chem., 2020, 40, 57-64.



[35] C. Liu, X. Hu, B. B. Huang, and Z. L. Xie*,Surface engineering of Rh catalysts with N/S co-doped carbon nanosheets towards high performance hydrogen evolution from seawater, ACS Sustain. Chem. & Eng. 2019, 23, 18835-18843.

[34] B. B. Huang, Y. C. Liu, Q. H. Wei and Z. L. Xie*,Three-dimensional mesoporous graphene-like carbons derived from a biomolecule exhibiting high-performance oxygen reduction activity, Sustain. Sustain. Energy & Fuel, 2019, 3, 2809-2818.

[33] X. Hu, Y. Chen, B. Huang, Y. Liu, H. Huang and Z. L. Xie*, Pd supported N/S co-doped graphene-like carbons boost quinoline hydrogenation activity, ACS Sustain. Chem. & Eng. 2019, 7, 11369-11376.

[32] J. Q. Zheng, D. X. Sun, B. B. Huang, Y. C. Liu, and Z. L. Xie*, Mesoporous Carbons Derived from Pyrolysis of Organosilica-Based Ionogels for Oxygen Reduction Reaction, Chemistryselect, 2019, 4, 13828-13834.

[31] B. B. Huang, M. Xia, Q. G. Qiu and Z. L. Xie*, Biomass derived graphene‐like carbons for electrocatalytic oxygen reduction reaction, ChemNanoMat, 2019, 5, 682-689.

[30] X. D. Ding, S. Lei, C. F. Du*, Z. L. Xie, J. R. Li*, X. Y. Huang, Small-sized CuS nanoparticles/N, S co-doped rGO composites as the anode materials for high-performance lithium-ion batteries, Adv. Mater. Interfaces, 2019, 6, 201900038.

[29] D. Wang, W. Liu, Z. L. Xie, S, Tian, D, Su, Wei Qi*, Oxidative dehydrogenation of ethyl lactate over nanocarbon catalysts: Effect of oxygen functionalities and defects. Catal. Today, 2019, in press.

[28] Y. C. Liu, B. Huang, and Z. L. Xie*, Surfactant-assisted hydrothermal synthesis of nitrogen doped Mo2C@C composites as highly efficient electrocatalysts for hydrogen evolution reaction. Int. J. Hydrogen Energy, 2019, 44, 3702-3710.

[27] B. Huang, X. Hu, Y. C. Liu, W. Qi and Z. L. Xie*, Biomolecule-derived N/S co-doped CNT-graphene hybrids exhibiting excellent electrochemical activities. J. Power Source, 2019, 413, 408-417.

[26] Y. C. Liu, B. Huang, X. Huang* and Z. L. Xie*, In-situ fabrication of nitrogen-doped carbon nanosheets containing highly dispersed single iron atoms for oxygen reduction reaction. J. Power Source, 2019, 412, 125-133.



[25] B. B. Huang, Y. C. Liu, X. Huang* and Z. L. Xie*, Multiple heteroatom-doped few-layer carbons for the electrochemical oxygen reduction reaction. J. Mater. Chem. A, 2018, 6, 22277-22286.

[24] P. Wang, L. Tao, H. Luo, D. Chen* and Z. L. Xie*, Organosilica-based ionogel derived nitrogen-doped microporous carbons for high performance supercapacitor electrodes. Inorg. Chem. Front. 2018, 5, 3091-3098.

[23] P. Yan, Z. L. Xie,* S. Tian, F. Li, D. Wang, D. S. Su* and W. Qi*, Hydration of phenylacetylene on sulfonated carbon materials: active site and intrinsic catalytic activity. RSC Adv. 2018, 67, 38150-38156.

[22] X. Liu*, S. Zou, K. Liu, C. Lv, Z. Wu, Y. Yin, T. Liang, Z. L.Xie, Highly compressible three-dimensional graphene hydrogel for foldable all-solid-state supercapacitor. J. Power Source, 2018, 384, 214-222.

[21] D. Wu, Y. Liu, Y. Wu, B. Tan, Z. L. Xie*, Microporous carbons derived from organosilica-containing carbon dots with outstanding supercapacitance. Dalton Trans., 2018, 17, 5961-5967.

[20]B. Tan, H. Luo Z. L.Xie*, Formation of N-rich Hierarchically Porous Carbon via Direct Growth ZIF-8 on C3N4 Nanosheet with Enhancing Electrochemical Performance. Chemistryselect, 2018, 23, 6440-6449.

[19] Z. F. Wu, B. Tan, W. Ma, W.-W. Xiong, Z. L.Xie* and X.-Y. Huang*, Mg2+ incorporated Co-based MOF precursors for hierarchical CNTs-containing porous carbons with ORR activity. Dalton Trans., 2018, 47, 2810-2819.

[18] Y. C. Liu, B. B. Huang and Z. L. Xie*, Hydrothermal Synthesis of Core-Shell MoO2/α-Mo2C Heterojunction as High Performance Electrocatalyst for Hydrogen Evolution Reaction. Appl. Surf. Sci. 2018, 427, 693-701.



[17] B.B. Huang, Y. C. Liu, and Z. L. Xie*, Biomass derived 2D carbons via hydrothermal carbonization method as efficient bifunctional ORR/HER electrocatalysts. J. Mater. Chem. A, 2017, 5, 23481-23488 (HOT paper, Front cover).  

[16] B. Tan, Z. F. Wu, and Z. L.Xie*, Fine Decoration of Carbon Nanotubes with Metal Organic Frameworks for Enhanced Performance in Supercapacitance and Oxygen Reduction Reaction. Sci. Bull. 2017, 62, 1132-1141.

[15] F. S.Guo, P. J. Yang, Z. M. Pan, X. -N. Cao, Z. L. Xie*, and X. C. Wang*, Carbon-Doped BN Nanosheets for the Oxidative Dehydrogenation of Ethylbenzene. Angew. Chem. Int. Ed., 2017, 56, 8231-8235.

[14] Y. C. Liu, B. B. Huang, X. X. Lin and Z. L.Xie*, Biomass-Derived Hierarchical Porous Carbons: Boosting the Energy Density of Supercapacitors via an Ionothermal Approach. J. Mater. Chem. A, 2017, 5, 13009-13018.

[13] F. F. Yang, D. Wu, Z. Y. Luo, B. Tan, Z. L.Xie*, Hybrid Organic-Inorganic Dyeionogels: Reversibly pH-responsive Materials based Dye-ionic Liquids with Improved Structural Stability and Flexibility. Sensors and Actuators B-Chem., 2017, 249, 486-492.

[12] B.-B. Huang, L. Peng, F. F. Yang, Y. -C. Liu, and Z. -L. Xie*, Improving ORR Activity of Carbon Nanotubes by Hydrothermal Carbon Deposition Method. J. Energy. Chem. 2017, 26, 712-718.

[11] Y. Wei, X. Y.Y. Zhang, Z. Y. Luo, D. Tang, C. X. Chen, T. Zhang* and Z. L. Xie*,Nitrogen-Doped Carbon Nanotube-Supported Pd Catalyst for Improved Electrocatalytic Performance toward Ethanol Electrooxidation. Nano-Micro Lett., 2017, 9: 28. 

[10] B. -B. Huang, Z. -Y. Luo, J. -J. Zhang and Z. L. Xie*, 2D Quasi-ordered Nitrogen and Sulfur co-doped Carbon Materials from Ionic Liquid as Metal-free Electrocatalysts for ORR. RSC Adv. 2017, 7, 17941-17979.

[9] B. B. Huang and Z. L. Xie* Ionic Liquid-Nanocarbon Interface for Heterogeneous Catalysis, Wiley-VCH, Weinheim, 2017, ISBN: 978-3-527-34255-6, Handbook. (Invited)



[8] Z.-L. Xie, B. Frank, X. Huang, R. Schlögl, A. Trunschke*, Higher Alcohol Synthesis over Rh Catalysts: Conditioning of Rh/N-CNTs by Co and Mn Entrapped in the Support. Catal. Lett., 2016, 146, 2417-2424.

[7] X. X. Lin, B. Tan, L. Peng, Z. F. Wu and Z. L. Xie*, Ionothermal Synthesis of Microporous and Mesoporous Carbon Areogels from Fructose as Electrode Materials for Supercapacitors. J. Mater. Chem. A, 2016, 4, 4497-4505.

[6] A. Y. Klyushin*, R. Arrigo, Y. M. Yi, Z. L. Xie, M. Havercker, A. Knop-Gericke, R. Schlögl,Are Au Nanoparticles on Oxygen-Free Supports Catalytically Active? Top Catal., 2016, 59, 469-477.

[5] Z. F. Wu, B. Tan, Z. H. Deng, Z. L. Xie, J. J. Fu, N. N. Shen, X. Y. Huang*, Dual-Emission Luminescence of Magnesium Coordination Polymers Based on Mixed Organic Ligands. Chem-Eur J., 2016, 22, 1334-1339.

[4] Z. F. Wu, B. Tan, Z. L. Xie, J. J. Fu, X. Y. Huang*, A photochromic dual-functional Mg-CP exhibits white-emission after modification with CuI. J. Mater. Chem. C, 2016, 4, 2438-2441

[3] B. Frank, Z. L. Xie, K. F. Ortega, M. Scherzer, R. Schlögl, A. Trunschke*, Modification of the carbide microstructure by N- and S-functionalization of the support in MoxC/CNT catalysts. Catal. Sci. Technol., 2016, 6, 3468-3475.



[2] Z. L. Xie* and D. S. Su*, Ionic Liquid Based Approaches to Carbon Materials Synthesis. Eur. J. Inorg. Chem., 2015, 7, 1137-1147. (Invited)

[1] Z. F. Wu, B. Tan, C. F. Du, M. L. Feng, Z. L. Xie, X. Y. Huang*, An ionothermally synthesized Mg-based coordination polymer as a precursor for preparing porous carbons. CrystEngComm, 2015, 17, 4288-4292.



1. 具有催化性能的镉金属有机框架及其制备方法和用途,专利号:ZL 201110349525.2 授权日期:2015年10月7日。

2. 由稀土金属有机框架化合物制得的荧光探针材料及其应用,专利号:2015100998822.4 授权日期:2017年3月7日。

3. 生物小分子直接合成杂原子掺杂石墨烯的方法,专利号:201710604048.7 实检日期:2017年10月18日。

4. 一类用于芳香醇选择氧化反应的纳米碳负载Pd催化剂及其应用,专利号:201710519157.9 申请日期:2017年06月30日。





 We are constantly looking for motivated and self-driven researchers to join our team.
