日期:2021-10-26 阅读次数: 作者: 来源:
新闻类型:分子催化与原位表征研究所                 阅读次数:   发布时间:2021-12-31

姓    名: 谭理
性    别:


职    称: 副教授
学    历: 博士研究生
职    务:
电    话:
专    业: 物理化学/工业催化
电子邮件: tan@fzu.edu.cn
研究方向: C1化学与原位表征


2009-2013,太原理工大学化学化工学院, B.S.

2013-2015,日本国立富山大学,M.S. (导师:Noritatsu Tsubaki 教授)

2015-2018,日本国立富山大学,Ph.D. (导师:Noritatsu Tsubaki 教授)





主要从事C1多相催化反应及相关催化剂体系的设计、推广应用和原位表征研究。包括碳资源清洁转化利用,合成气或CO2加氢制备油品(汽油,柴油,航空燃油)及化学品(醇类、低碳烯烃、芳烃),经甲醇合成路线制备等重要化工反应过程的原位工况研究,以及对此类催化剂的设计、合成及反应路线的优化。目前主持国家自然科学基金及多项省部级重点项目,共发表论文20余篇,包括以第一或通讯作者发表在 Nature Catalysis, Chemical Science, ACS Sustainable Chemistry&Engineering, Industrial&Engineering Chemistry Research, Applied Catalysis  A等期刊。部分工作被Nature正刊作为亮点工作进行了专题报道。









1. Li Tan, Fan Wang, Peipei Zhang, Yuichi Suzuki, Yingquan Wu, Jiangang Chen, Guohui Yang* and Noritatsu Tsubaki*, Design of the core-shell catalyst: an effective strategy for suppressing side reactions in syngas to light olefins direct selective conversion, Chemical Science (cover paper), 2020, 11, 4097-4105.

2. Peng Lu, Qingjun Chen, Guohui Yang, Li Tan, Xiaobo Feng, Jie Yao, Yoshiharu Yoneyama, Noritatsu Tsubaki*, Space-Confined-Self-Regulation Mechanism from Capsule Catalyst to Realize an Ethanol Direct Synthesis Strategy, ACS Catalysis, 2020, 10, 1366-1374.

3. Li Tan*, Peipei Zhang, Yuichi Suzuki, Hangjie Li, Lisheng Guo, Yoshiharu Yoneyama, Jiangang Chen, Xiaobo Peng*, and Noritatsu Tsubaki*, Bifunctional capsule catalyst of Al2O3@Cu with strengthened dehydration reaction field for direct synthesis of dimethyl ether from syngas, Industrial&Engineering Chemistry Research, 2019, 58, 22905-22911.

4. Luan Nguyen, Shiran Zhang, Li Tan*, Yu Tang, Jingyue Liu, Franklin (Feng) Tao*, Ir1Znn Bimetallic Site for Efficient Production of Hydrogen from Methanol, ACS Sustainable Chemistry&Engineering, 2019, 7, 18793-18800.

5. Wang yang, Li Tan, Minghui Tan, Peipei Zhang, Yuan Fang, Yoshiharu Yoneyama, Guohui Yang, Noritatsu Tsubaki, Rationally Designing Bifunctional Catalysts as an Efficient Strategy to Boost CO2 Hydrogenation Producing Value-Added Aromatics, ACS Catalysis, 2019, 9, 895-901.

6. Caixia Zhu, Yuan Fang, Zaiqi Luo, Cheng Zhang, Xipin Zhang, Jie Li*, Jiangang Chen, Li Tan*, Direct dimethyl ether synthesis over mesoporous Cu-Al2O3 catalyst via CO hydrogenation, Research on Chemical Intermidiates, 2019, 45, 5863-5876.

7. Li Tan*, Xiaoyu Guo, Xinhua Gao, Noritatsu Tsubaki*, Designing a Mesoporous Zeolite Catalyst for Products Optimizing in n-Decane Hydrocraking, Catalysts, 2019, 9,766

8. Yingquan Wu, Li Tan*, Tao Zhang, Hongjuan Xie, Guohui Yang, Noritatsu Tsubaki, Jiangang Chen, Effect of Preparation Method on ZrO2-Based Catalysts Performance for Isobutanol Synthesis from Syngas, Catalysts, 2019, 9,752

9. Li Tan, Peipei Zhang, Yu Cui, Yuichi Suzuki, Hangjie Li, Lisheng Guo, Guohui Yang*, Noritatsu Tsubaki*, Direct CO2 hydrogenation to light olefins by suppressing CO by-product formation, Fuel Processing Technology, 2019, 196, 106174

10. Li Tan*, Yingquan Wu*, Tao Zhang, Hongjuan Xie, Jiangang Chen, Effect of precipitation temperature on the performance of K-CuLaZrO2 catalyst for isobutanol synthesis from syngas, Journal of Fuel Chemistry and Technology, 2019, 47, 1096-1103

11. Jie Li#, Yingluo He#, Li Tan#, Peipei Zhang#, Xiaobo Peng*, Oruganti Anjaneyulu, Guohui Yang, Hideki Abe, Ye Wang*, Noritatsu Tsubaki*, Integrated tuneable synthesis of liquid fuels via Fischer-Tropsch technology, Nature Catalysis, 2018, 1, 787–793.

12. Peipei Zhang, Guohui Yang, Li Tan, Peipei Ai, Ruiqin Yang, Noritatsu Tsubaki, Direct synthesis of liquefied petroleum gas from syngas over H-ZSM-5 enwrapped Pd-based zeolite capsule catalyst, Catalysis Today, 2018, 303,77-85.

13. Peipei Zhang#, Li Tan#, Guohui Yang*, Noritarsu Tsubaki*, One-pass selective conversion of syngas to para-xylene, Chemical Science (cover paper), 2017, 8,7941-7946.

14. Li Tan, Oyunkhand Erdenebaatar, Guoguo Liu, Noriyuki Yamane, Peipei Ai, Akihisa Otani, Yoshiharu Yoneyama*, Guohui Yang*, Noritatsu Tsubaki*, Catalytic cracking of 4-(1-naphthylmethyl)bibenzyl in sub- and supercritical water, Fuel Processing Technology, 2017, 160, 34-38.

15. Noriyuki Yamane, Yang Wang, Jie Li, Yingluo He, Peipei Zhang, Letrunghieu Nguyen, Li Tan, Peipei Ai, Xiaobo Peng, Ye Wang, Guohui Yang and Noritatsu Tsubaki, Building premium secondary reaction field with a miniaturized capsule catalyst to realize efficient synthesis of a liquid fuel directly from syngas, Catalysis Science&Technology, 2017,7,1996-2000.

16. Shaopeng Tian, Li Tan, Yingquan Wu, Yongli Kou, Hongjuan Xie, Noritatsu Tsubaki, Yisheng Tan, The role of different state ZnO over non-stoichiometric Zn–Cr spinel catalysts for isobutanol synthesis from syngas, Applied Catalysis A: General, 2017, 536, 57-66.

17. Ronggang Fan, Masahiro Kyodo, Li Tan, Xiaobo Peng, Guohui Yang, Yoshiharu Yoneyama, Ruiqin Yang, Qingde Zhang, Noritatsu Tsubaki, Preparation and application of Cu/ZnO catalyst by urea hydrolysis method for low temperature methanol synthesis from syngas, Fuel Processing Technology, 2017, 167, 69-77.

18. Qinhong Wei, Guohui Yang, Xinhua Gao, Li Tan, Peipei Ai, Peipei Zhang, Peng Lu, Yoshiharu Yoneyama, Noritatsu Tsubaki, A facile ethanol fuel synthesis from dimethyl ether and syngas over tandem combination of Cu-doped HZSM35 with Cu-Zn-Al catalyst, Chemical Engineering Journal, 2017, 316, 832-841.

19. Peng Lu, Chuang Xing, Hangjie Li, XikunGai, Qinhong Wei, Li Tan, Chengxue Lu, Wenzhong Shen, Ruiqin Yang, Noritatsu Tsubaki, An in-situ synthesis of low-cost mesostructured nickel nanoparticles embedded carbon/silica composite via a solid–liquid grinding route and its application for the carbon dioxide reforming of methane, International Journal of Hydrogen Energy,2016, 41, 10680-10687.

20. Chuang XingGuohui YangPeng LuWenzhong ShenXikun GaiLi TanJianwei MaoTiejun WangRuiqin YangNoritatsu Tsubaki,A hierarchically spherical Co-based zeolite catalyst with aggregated nanorods structure for improved Fischer–Tropsch synthesis reaction activity and isoparaffin selectivity, Microporous and Mesoporous Materials, 2016, 233, 62-69.

21. Li Tan, Guohui Yang, Yoshiharu Yoneyama, Yongli Kou, Yisheng Tan*, Tharapong Vitidsant*, Noritatsu Tsubaki*, Iso-butanol direct synthesis from syngas over the alkali metals modified Cr/ZnO catalysts, Applied Catalysis A: General, 2015, 505, 141–149.

22. Chuang Xing, Jian Sun, Guohui Yang, Wenzhong Shen, Li Tan, Pengfei Zhu, Qinhong Wei, Jie Li, Masahiro Kyodo, Ruiqin Yang, Yoshiharu Yoneyama, Noritatsu Tsubaki, Tunable isoparaffin and olefin synthesis in Fischer–Tropsch synthesis achieved by composite catalyst, Fuel Processing Technology,2015,136, 68-72.

23. Chuang Xing, Guohui Yang, Mingbo Wu, Ruiqin Yang, Li Tan, Pengfei Zhu, Qinhong Wei, Jie Li, Jianwei Mao, Yoshiharu Yoneyama, Noritatsu Tsubaki, Hierarchical zeolite Y supported cobalt bifunctional catalyst for facilely tuning the product distribution of Fischer–Tropsch synthesis, Fuel, 2015, 148, 48-57.

24. Yingquan Wu, Hongjuan Xie, Yongli Kou, Li Tan, Yizhuo Han, Yi-sheng Tan,

Effect of calcination temperature on performance of K-Cu/Zn/La/ZrO2 for iso-butanol synthesis, Journal of Fuel Chemistry and Technology, 2013, 41(7), 868-874.

25. Jianfeng Chen,Yurui Zhang, Li Tan, Yi Zhang, A Simple Method for Preparing the Highly Dispersed Supported Co3O4 on Silica Support, Industrial & Engineering Chemistry Research, 2011, 50(7), 4212-4215.







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