日期:2021-06-24 阅读次数:1229 作者: 来源:
姓    名: 魏明灯
性    别:


职    称: 教授(博导)
学    历: 博士(工学)
职    务: 福州大学新能源材料研究所长
电    话: 0591-83731234 ex. 8517
专    业: 光电化学、能源材料、催化化学
电子邮件: wei-mingdeng@fzu.edu.cn
研究方向: 染料敏化太阳电池、锂离子电池、超级电容器、纳米/多孔材料

2014.04-至今 福州大学化学学院 教授/“闽江学者”特聘教授;
College of Chemistry at Fuzhou Univ.; Prof.
2007.04-2014.03 福州大学化学化工学院 “闽江学者”特聘教授;
College of Chemistry and Chemical Engineering at Fuzhou Univ.; Prof.
2005.04-2007.03 日本学术振兴机构博士研究员(JST)、产业技术综合研究所客座研究员(AIST 筑波研究中心);
Japan Science and Technology Agency (JST); Postdoc Researcher
2003.04-2005.03 日本产业技术综合研究所博士研究员(AIST 筑波研究中心);
National Institute of Advanced Industrial Science & Technology (AIST);Postdoc Researcher
2000.04-2003.03 日本国立东北大学博士研究员、日本产业技术综合研究所客座研究员(AIST 筑波研究中心);
Tohoku Universiyt at Japan; Postdoc Researcher
1996.10-2000.03 日本国立长崎大学留学,获得博士(工学)学位;
Nagasaki University; PhD course
1989.10-1996.09 福州大学工业催化研究所;
Institute of Industrial Catalyst at Fuzhou University
1983.09-1987.07 福州大学化工系学习
Department of Chemical Engineering at Fuzhou University; BSc



For Master course 《Nanostructures and Nanotechnology》《Science Reseach Methodology》

本科生课程《新能源材料》《学科讲座》《无机化学 下册》

For BSc《Advanced Energy Materials》《Academic lecture》《Inorganic Chemistry》

1987.7毕业于福州大学化工系;1989.10起在福州大学工业催化研究所从事研发工作;1996.10获得日本文部省国费奖学金赴国立长崎大学留学,开展钙钛矿型汽车尾气净化催化剂(deNOx)的研究;2000.3获得博士学位(工学)后,先后在日本国立东北大学(2000.04-2003.03)、日本产业技术综合研究所(AIST筑波研究中心;2003.04-2005.03)、日本学术振兴机构(JST;2005.04-2007.03)从事纳米/多孔材料及其在染料敏化太阳能电池、锂离子电池和费托合成催化剂中应用的研究;2007.4回国被聘为“闽江学者”特聘教授,并建立新能源材料研究所开展新型纳米/多孔材料在能量转化与储存中应用的研究(染料敏化太阳能电池、钙钛矿型太阳能电池、锂/钠离子电池和超级电容器)。研究成果在Adv. Mater.、Adv. Funct. Mater.、Energy Enviorn. Sci.、Nano Energy、ChemSusChem、Chem. Commun.等国际期刊上发表英文SCI论文150多篇,他人引用3500多次,H指数32,并拥有授权的日本和中国发明专利20多件。

Mingdeng Wei received his Ph.D degree in Catalysis Chemistry from Nagasaki University (Japan) in 2000, and then worked at Tohoku University (2000.4-2003.3), National Institute of Advanced Industrial Science and Technology (AIST, 2003.4-2005.3) and Japan Science and Technology Agency (JST, 2005.4-2007.3). He has been a Prof. at Fuzhou University since 2007 and has published over 150 refereed papers which have been cited more than 3500 times. His research interests include dye-sensitized solar cells, lithium/sodium-ion batteries, supercapacitors and nanoporous materials. He has also been an Editorial Board member in Scientific Reports (Nature Publishing Group).

1. Editorial Board Member of Scientific Reports (Chemistry),Nature Publishing Group
(自然出版社的国际期刊Scientific Reports的编委)
2. 中科院新型薄膜太阳电池重点实验室学术委员会委员
3. 福州大学理工学部委员
4. 福州大学学术委员会委员

Since 2007, more than 10 projects have been obtained from National Natural Science Foundation of China, Ministry of Science & Technology, Ministry of Education and so on.

2010年后负责承担的项目(Projects after 2010)
1. TiO2介晶可控合成及其形成机理和储锂性能的研究
Controllable Synthesis of TiO2 Mesocrystals and Their Formation Mechanism and Lithium Storage Properties
(国家自然科学基金重点项目-海峡联合基金:U1505241; 2016-2019)
(National Natural Science Foundation of China; No.U1505241;2016-2019)

2. 高效有机染料敏化纳米晶三元氧化物太阳能电池
Highly Efficient Organic Dye-Sensitized Solar Cells Based on Nanostructured Ternary Oxides
(国家自然科学基金重大培育项目: 91433104; 2015-2017)
(National Natural Science Foundation of China; No.91433104;2015-2017)

3. 新型纳米结构钛酸盐负极材料的高性能化研究
New-type Nanostrucutred Titanates Anodes for Li-ion Batteries
(国家自然科学基金面上项目: 21173049; 2012-2015)
(National Natural Science Foundation of China, No. 21173049; 2012-2015)

4. 纳米结构氧化锌基柔性型染料敏化太阳能电池的研究
Flexible Dye-Sensitized Solar Cells Composed of Nanostructural Zinc Oxide
(国家自然科学基金面上项目: 21073039; 2011-2013)
(National Natural Science Foundation of China, No. 21073039; 2011-2013)

5. 作为滤嘴添加物的纳米多孔材料的研制

6. 用于室内空气净化的多孔纳米材料研制及其性能评价

Published Papers
[145] Towards a high open-circuit voltage by co-additives in electrolyte for high-efficiency dye-sensitized solar cells
J. Power Sources, 2017, in press
Xun Sun, Yafeng Li, Haijuan Mao, Jie Dou, Mingdeng Wei*

[144] Carbon coated anatase TiO2 mesocrystals enabling ultrastable and robust sodium storage
J. Power Sources, 2017, in press
Weifeng Zhang,Tongbin Lan, Tianli Ding, Nae-Lih Wu, Mingdeng Wei*

[143] Nb-doped rutile TiO2 mesocrystals with enhanced lithium storage properties for lithium ion battery
Chem.-Eur. J., 2017,in press
Tongbin Lan,Weifeng Zhang,Nae-Lih Wu, Mingdeng Wei*

[142] Layered structural Co-based MOF with conductive network frames as a new supercapacitor electrode
Chem.-Eur. J., 2017, 23,631-636. DOI: 10.1002/chem.201604071
Jie Yang, Zhihua Ma, Weixue Gao, Mingdeng Wei*

[141] Nanocomposite Li2ZnTi3O8/C with enhanced electrochemical performances for lithium-ion batteries
J. Electroanal. Chem., 2017, 794, 120-125
TongbinLan, L. Chen, Yubin Liu, Weifeng Zhang,Mingdeng Wei*

[140] Rutile TiO2 mesocrystals with tunable subunits as a long-term cycling performance anode for sodium-ion batteries
J. Alloys Compd., 2017, 699, 455-462. DOI: 10.1016/j.jallcom.2016.12.337
Tongbin Lan, Tao Wang, Weifeng Zhang, Nae-Lih Wu, Mingdeng Wei*

[139] In-situ formed Se/CMK-3 Composite for Rechargeable Lithium-ion Batteries with a Long-Term Cycling Performance
J. Mater. Chem. A, 2016, 4, 13646-13651. DOI: 10.1039/c6ta05029h
Cheng Zheng, Minying Liu, Wenqiang Chen, Lingxing Zeng, Mingdeng Wei*

[138] Hierarchical MoS2@RGO nanosheets for high performance sodium storage
J. Power Source, 2016, 331, 50-57. DOI: 10.1016/j.jpowsour.2016.08.139
Zongzhou Che, Yafeng Li,* Kaixiang Chen, Mingdeng Wei*

[137] Facile synthesis of SnO2 coated urchin-like TiO2 hollow microspheres as efficient scattering layer for dye-sensitized solar cells
J. Power Source, 2016, 336, 143-149.DOI: 10.1016/j.jpowsour.2016.10.061
Fengyan Xie, Yageng Li,* Jie Dou, Junxiu Wu, Mingdeng Wei*

[136] Metal-organic frameworks derived carbon as a high-efficiency counter electrode for dye-sensitized solar cells
J. Power Source, 2016, 332, 90-98. DOI:10.1016/j.jpowsour.2016.05.025
Xun Sun, Yafeng Li*, Jie Dou, Deli Shen, Mingdeng Wei*

[135] Metal–organic framework derived hierarchical porous anatase TiO2 as a photoanode for dye-sensitized solar cell
Cryst. Growth Des., 2016, 16, 121-125. DOI: 10.1021/acs.cgd.5b01003
Jie Dou, Yafeng Li,* Fengyan Xie, Xiaokun Ding, Mingdeng Wei*

[134] Hierarchical cerium oxide derived from metal-organic frameworks for high performance supercapacitor electrodes
Electrochim. Acta, 2016, 222, 773-780. DOI: 10.1016/j.electacta.2016.11.035
Guojin Zeng, Ying Chen, Lin Chen, Peixun Xiong, Mingdeng Wei*

[133] Hierarchical rutile TiO2 with mesocrystalline structure for Li-ion and Na-ion storage
Electrochim. Acta, 2016, 202, 203-208.DOI: 10.1016/j.electacta.2016.04.017
Zhensheng Hong, Jiaxing Hong, Chaobing Xie, Zhigao Huang*, Mingdeng Wei*

[132] Ge/GeO2-ordered mesoporous carbon nanocomposite for rechargeable lithium-ion batteries with a long-term cycling performance
ACS Appl. Mater. Interf. 2016, 8, 232-239. DOI 10.1021/acsami.5b08470
Lingxing Zeng,Xiaoxia Huang, Xi Chen, Cheng Zheng, Qingrong Qian,* Qinghua Chen, Mingdeng Wei*

[131] Self-Assembled Synthesis of Mesocrystalline TiO2@C-rGO Hybrid Nanostructures for Highly Reversible Sodium Storage
Cryst. Growth Des., 2016, 16,6605-6612. DOI: 10.1021/acs.cgd.6b01293
Zhensheng Hong*, Kai Zhou, J. Zhang, Zhigao Huang, Mingdeng Wei*

[130] Ethanol thermal reduction synthesis of hierarchical MoO2–C hollow spheres with high rate performance for lithium ion batteries
RSC Adv., 2016, 6, 105558–105564. DOI: 10.1039/c6ra22792a
Lingxing Zeng, Xiaoxia Huang, Xi Chen, Cheng Zheng, Renpin Liu, Gan Chen,Qingrong Qian,* Qinghua Chen, Mingdeng Wei*

[129] Nitrogen-doped carbon coated silicon derived from a facile strategy with enhanced performance for lithium storage
Funct. Mater. Lett., 2016, 9, 1650055. DOI: 10.1142/S1793604716500557
Lingxing Zeng, Renpin Liu, Heyuan Qiu, Xi Chen, Xiaoxia Huang, Peixun Xiong,
Qingrong Qian, Qinghua Chen*, Mingdeng Wei*

[128] Synthesis and Charge-Discharge Properties of Organometallic Copolymers of Ferrocene and Triphenylamine as Cathode Active Materials for Organic-Battery Applications
Eur. J. Inorg. Chem., 2016, 7, 1030-1035.
Jing Xiang, Ka Sato, Hiroshi Tokue, Kenichi Oyaizu*, Cheuklam Ho*, Hroyuki Nishide*, W.-Y. Wong*, Mingdeng Wei*

[127] The isopropylation of biphenyl over transition metal substituted aluminophosphates: MAPO-5 (M: Co and Ni)
Journal of Molecular Catalysis A: Chemical, 2016, 412, 117-124.
Huixing Zhang, A. Chokkalingam, P.V.Subramaniam, S. Joseph, S.Takeuchi, Mingdeng Wei, A. M. Al-Enizi, H. G. Jang, J.H. Kim, D. Seo, K. Komura, Y. Sugi*, A. Vinu*

[126] Facile synthesis of rutile TiO2 mesocrystals with enhanced sodium storage properties
J. Mater. Chem. A, 2015, 3,17412-17416. DOI: 10.1039/C5TA04232A.
Zhensheng Hong*, Kaiqiang Zhou, Junwen Zhang, Zhigao Huang, Mingdeng Wei*

[125] One-step hydrothermal synthesis of Nb doped brookite TiO2 nanosheets with enhanced lithium-ion intercalation properties
J. Mater. Chem. A., 2015, 3, 18882-18888. DOI: 10.1039/C5TA04870B.
Yubin Liu,Minying Liu,Tongbin Lan, Jie Dou, Mingdeng Wei*

[124]In situ synthesis of Na2Ti7O15 nanotubes on a Ti net substrate as a high performance anode for Na-ion batteries
Chem. Commun., 2015,51,9298-9230. DOI: 10.1039/C5CC02612A.
Huang Li, Hailong Fei,* Xin Liu, Jie Yang, Mingdeng Wei*

[123] Ultrathin TiO2-B nanowires with enhanced electrochemical performance for Li-ion batteries
J. Mater. Chem. A., 2015, 3, 30038-30044. DOI: 10.1039/C5TA01061F.
Tongbin Lan, Jie Dou, Fengyan Xie, Peixun Xiong, Mingdeng Wei*

[122] V2O3-Ordered Mesoporous Carbon Composite with Novel Peroxidase-Like Activity towards Glucose Colorimetric Assay
Nanoscale, 2015, 7, 11678-11685.DOI: 10.1039/c5nr02694f
Lei Han, Lingxing Zeng, Mingdeng Wei,* Chang Ming Li, Aihua Liu*

[121] A Binder-Free Anode for High-Capacity Lithium-Ion Batteries
J. Mater. Chem. A., 2015, 3,1619-1623. DOI: 10.1039/C4TA05212A.
Heyuan Qiu, Lingxing Zeng, Tongbin Lan, Xiaokun Ding, Mingdeng Wei*

[120] Rutile TiO2 Mesocrystals/Reduced Graphene Oxide with High-Rate and Long-Term Performance for Lithium-Ion Batteries
Sci. Rep., 2015, 5,8498. DOI: 10.1038/srep08498
Tongbin Lan, Heyuan Qiu, Fengyan Xie, Jie Yang, Mingdeng Wei*

[119] Hierarchical LiZnVO4@C nanostructures with enhanced cycling stability for lithium-ion batteries
Dal. Trans., 2015, DOI: 10.1039/C5DT00673B
Lingxing Zeng, Xiaoxia Huang, Cheng Zheng, Qingrong Qian*, Qinghua Chen, Mingdeng Wei*

[118] Nanocomposite Li3V2(PO4)3/Carbon as a cathode material with high rate performance and long-term cycling stability in lithium-ion batteries
RSC Adv., 2015, 5, 57127-57132.DOI: 10.1039/C5RA08779A.
Peixun Xiong, Lingxing Zeng, Huan Li, Cheng Zheng, Mingdeng Wei*

[117] Recent progress in preparation and lithium-ion storage properties of TiO2 mesocrystals (Invited review paper; Cover paper)
J. Chin. Chem. Soc., 2015 62 209-216. DOI: 10.1002/jccs.201400239
Zhensheng Hong, Mingdeng Wei*

[116] ZnO nanowires array grown on Ga-doped ZnO single crystal for dye-sensitized solar cells
Sci. Rep., 2015, 5,11499. DOI: 10.1038/srep11499
Qichang Hu, Yafeng Li, Feng Huang*, Zhaojun Zhang, Kai Ding, Mingdeng Wei*, Zhang Lin

[115] Iso-Oriented Anatase TiO2 Mesocages as a High Performance Anode Material for Sodium-Ion Storage
Sci. Rep., 2015, 5,11960. DOI 10.1038srep11960.
Zhensheng Hong*, Kaiqiang Zhou, Zhigao Huang, Mingdeng Wei*

[114] Prussian Blue analogues Mn[Fe(CN)6]0.6667?nH2O cubes as an anode material for lithium-ion batteries
Peixun Xiong,Guojin Zeng,Lingxing Zeng, Mingdeng Wei*
Dal. Trans., 2015, 44, 16746-16751.

[113] Photocatalytic hydrogen production by magnetically separable Fe3O4@ZnS and NiCo2O4@ZnS coreshell nanoparticles
Int. J. Hydrogen Energy, 2015, in press.
Chijung Chang*, Zijing Lee, Mingdeng Wei, Chungchieh Chang, Kuanwu Chu

[112] SnCo-CMK nanocomposite with improved electrochemical performance for lithium-ion batteries
Mater. Res. Bull.,2015, 71, 42-47.
Lingxing Zeng, Cuilin Deng, Cheng Zheng, Heyuan Qiu, Qingrong Qian,* Qinghua Chen, Mingdeng Wei*

[111] High Efficient Dye-Sensitized Solar Cells Composed of TiO2@SnO2 Core-Shell Microspheres
Nano Energy, 2014, 5, 82-90. DOI:10.1016/j.nanoen.2014.02.007 (IF=10.2)
Aiying Pang, Xun Sun, Hongcheng Ruan, Yafeng Li, Songyuan Dai,* Mingdeng Wei*

[110] Employing metal-organic frameworks for the interfacial decoration of dye-sensitized solar cells
ChemSusChem., 2014, 7, 2469-2472. DOI: 10.1002/cssc.201402143
Yafeng Li, Caiyun Chen, Xun Sun, Jie Dou, Mingdeng Wei*

[109] Metal-organic frameworks derived hierarchical ZnO parallelepipeds as efficient scattering layer in dye-sensitized solar cells
Chem. Commun.,2014, 50, 9769-9772. DOI: 10.1039/c4cc03352c
Yafeng Li, Zongzhou Che, Xun Sun, Jie Dou, Mingdeng Wei*

[108] One-step preparation of mirror-like NiS nanosheets on ITO for the efficient counter electrode of dye-sensitized solar cells
Chem. Commun.,2014, 50, 9869-9871. DOI: 10.1039/c4cc03798g
Xun Sun, Jie Dou, Fengyan Xie, Yafeng Li, Mingdeng Wei*

[107] Pseudo-capacitive performance of titanate nanotubes as a supercapacitor electrode
Chem. Commun.,2014, 50, 5973-5975. DOI:10.1039/C3CC49494B
Jie Yang, Lifang Liang, Peixun Xiong, Mingdeng Wei*

[106] Metal–organic frameworks: A new promising class of material for high performance supercapacitor electrodes
J. Mater. Chem. A, 2014, 2, 16640–16644. DOI: 10.1039/C4TA04140B
Jie Yang, Peixun Xiong, Cheng Zheng, Heyuan Qiu, Mingdeng Wei*

[105] Zn-doped Ni-MOF with a high supercapacitive performance
J. Mater. Chem. A, 2014, 2,19005–19010. DOI: 10.1039/C4TA04346D
Jie Yang, Cheng Zheng, Peixun Xiong, Yafeng Li, Mingdeng Wei*

[104] Hierarchically porous TiO2 Microspheres as a High Performance Anode for Lithium-ion Batteries
J. Mater. Chem. A, 2014, 2, 1102-1106. DOI:10.1039/C3TA14178K
Tongbin Lan, Yubin Liu, Jie Dou, Zhensheng Hong, Mingdeng Wei*

[103] Hierarchically porous anatase TiO2 microspheres composed of tiny octahedra with enhanced electrochemical properties in lithium-ion batteries
J. Mater. Chem. A,2014, 2, 20133–20138. DOI: 10.1039/C4TA04227A.
Yubin Liu, Tongbin Lan, Weifeng Zhang, Xiaokun Ding, Mingdeng Wei*

[102] Understanding the Growth and Photoelectrochemical Properties of Mesocrystals and Single Crystals: A Case of Anatase TiO2
PCCP, 2014, 16, 7441-7447. DOI: 10.1039/C4CP00718B
Zhensheng Hong, Hong Dai, Zhigao Huang and Mingdeng Wei*

[101] ZnSn(OH)6 nanocube/graphene composite as an anode material for lithium-ion batteries
PCCP, 2014, 16, 20073-20078. DOI: 10.1039/c4cp02842b
Caiyun Chen, Xiangzhen Zheng, Jie Yang, Mingdeng Wei*

[100] Nanostructured porous MnO2 on Ni foam substrate via a CV electrodeposition route for supercapacitor application
Electrochim. Acta, 2014, 136, 189–194. DOI: 10.1016/j.electacta.2014.05.074
Jie Yang, Lifang Liang, Hongchen Ruan, Fengyan Xie, Mingdeng Wei*

[99] Synthesis of hierarchical ZnV2O4 microspheres and its electrochemical properties
CrystEngCom,2014, 16, 10309-10313. DOI: 10.1039/C4CE01445F.
Cheng Zheng, Lingxing Zeng, Meili Wang, Huiyan Zheng, Mingdeng Wei*

[98] Facile synthesis of hierarchical MnO2 microspheres composed of nanosheets and its application for supercapacitor
RSC Adv.,2014,4,40753-40757. DOI: 10.1039/C4RA07880B.
Lifang Lian, Jie Yang, Peixun Xiong, Weifeng Zhang, Mingdeng Wei*

[97] Efficiency Enhanced Dye-Sensitized Zn2SnO4 Solar Cells Using a Facile Chemical-Bath Deposition Method
New J. Chem.,2014,38,4465-4470. DOI: 10.1039/C4NJ00729H.
Caiyun Chen, Yafeng Li,* Xun Sun, Fengyan Xie, Mingdeng Wei*

[96] Substituent Effect on the Oxidation Peak Potentials of Phenol Derivatives at Ordered Mesoporous Carbons Modified Electrode and Its Correlation with Acidity Coefficients
Electrochim Acta, 2014, 115, 286-289. DOI: 10.1016/j.electacta.2013.10.158
Tingting Zhang, Qiaolin Lang, Lingxing Zeng, Tie Li, Mingdeng Wei,* Aihua Liu*

[95] Synthesis of porous NiS thin film on Ni foam substrate via an electrodeposition route and its application in lithium-ion batteries
J. Alloys Comp., 2014, 588,357-360. DOI:10.1016/j.jallcom.2013.11.070.
Hongcheng Ruan, Yafeng Li, Heyuan Qiu, Mingdeng Wei*

[94] Ultrasensitive electrochemical sensor for p-nitrophenyl organophosphates based on ordered mesoporous carbons at low potential without deoxygenization
Anal. Chim. Acta, 2014, 822, 23-29. DOI:10.1016/j.aca.2014.03.023
Tingting Zhang, Lingxing Zeng, Lei Han, Tie Li*, Cheng Zheng, Mingdeng Wei, Aihua Liu*

[93] Sensitive electrochemical microbial biosensor for p-nitrophenylorganophosphates based onelectrode modified with cell surface-displayed organophosphorus hydrolase and ordered mesopore carbons
Biosen. Bioelec., 2014, 60, 137-142. DOI: 10.1016/j.bios.2014.04.001
Xiangjiang Tang, Tingting Zhang, Bo Liang, Dongfei Han, Lingxing Zeng, Cheng Zheng, Tie Li, Mingdeng Wei, Aihua Liu*

[92] Hierarchically Structured LiFePO4 with a Controllable Ggrowth of the {010} Facet as a High-rate Performance Cathode for Lithium-ion Batteries
Sci. Rep.(Nature Publishing Group), 2013, 3, 2788 (DOI 10.1038srep02788)
Binbin Guo, Hongcheng Ruan, Cheng Zheng, Hailong Fei, Mingdeng Wei*

[91] Three-Dementional Nanocomposite of V2O3-OMC with Enhanced Lithium-ion Intercalation Properties
Carbon, 2013, 62, 382-388
Lingxing Zeng, Cheng Zheng, Jingchao Xi, Hailong Fei, Mingdeng Wei*

[90] Layered Titanate Nanostructures and Their Derivatives as Anode Materials for Lithium-ion Batteries
J. Mater. Chem. A, 2013, 1, 4403-4414
Zhensheng Hong, Mingdeng Wei*

[89] Ordered Mesoporous TiO2-C Nanocomposite as An Anode Material for Long-term Performance Lithium-ion Batteries
J. Mater. Chem. A, 2013,1,4293-4299
Lingxing Zeng, Cheng Zheng, Lunchao Xia, Yaxian Wang, Mingdeng Wei*

[88] Selectively Reduction of Tobacco Specific Nitrosamines in Cigarette Smoke by the Use of Nanostructural Titanates
Nanoscale, 2013, 5, 5519-5523
Qixin Deng, Chaozhang Huang, Jianping Zhang, Wei Xie, Hanchun Xu, Mingdeng Wei*

[87] MoO2-OMC Nanocomposite as an Anode Material for Lithium-ion Batteries
ASC Appl. Mater. Interfaces,2013,5,2182-2187
Lingxing Zeng, Cheng Zheng, Cuilin Deng, Xiaokun Ding, Mingdeng Wei*

[86] Synthesis of TiO2 Nanoparticles with Tunable Dominant Exposed Facets (010), (001) and (106)
CrystEngComm, 2013,15,3040-3044
Xiaokun Ding, Hongcheng Ruan, Cheng Zheng, Jie Yang, Mingdeng Wei*

[85] One Step Sol-gel Synthesis of Li2ZnTi3O8/C Nanocomposite with Enhanced Lithium-ion Storage Properties, Electrochim Acta, 2013, 88, 74-78
Yuxia Xu, Zhensheng Hong, Lunchao Xia, Jie Yang, Mingdeng Wei*

[84] Synthesis of square-like anatase TiO2 nanocrystals based on TiOF2 quantum dots
J. Alloy Comp., 2013, 550, 475-478
Xiaokun Ding, Zhensheng Hong, Ya Wang, Riyu Lai, Mingdeng Wei*

[83] Supercapacitor Electrode of Hollow Spherical V2O5 with a High Pseudocapacitance in Aqueous Solution, Electrochim. Acta, 2013,105,489-495
Jie Yang, Tongbin Lan, Jingdong Liu, Yanfang Song, Mingdeng Wei*

[82] Highly efficient indoline dyes co-sensitized solar cells composed of titania nanorods
Electrochim Acta, 2013, 94, 92-97
Aiying Pang, Lunchao Xia, Haiyan Luo, Yafeng Li, Mingdeng Wei*

[81] Simultaneous Voltammetric Determination of Nitrophenol Isomers at Ordered Mesoporous Carbon Modified Electrode
Electrochim Acta, 2013, 106, 127-134
Tingting Zhang, Qiaolin Lang, Dapeng Yang, Liang Li, Lingxing Zeng, Cheng Zheng, Tie Li*,Mingdeng Wei,* Aihua Liu*

[80] Synthesis of MoO2 Nanosheets by a Ionic Liquid Route and its Electrochemical Properties in Lithium-ion Battery
J. Alloys Compounds, 2013, 580,358-362
Huixing Zhang, Lingxing Zeng, Xiaomin Wu, Lifang Liang and Mingdeng Wei*

[79] Additive-free Synthesis of Unique TiO2 Mesocrystals with Enhanced Lithium-ion Intercalation Properties
Energy Environ. Sci., 2012, 5, 5408-5413. (Top ten most downloaded papers in Dec. 2011; IF=11.65; 化学1区)
Zhensheng Hong, Mingdeng Wei,* Tongbin Lan, Lilong Jiang, Guozhong Cao*

[78] Layered H2Ti6O13-Nanowires: a New Promising Pseudocapacitive Material in Non-aqueous Electrolyte
Adv. Funct. Mater., 2012, 24,, 5185-5193
Yonggang Wang,* Zhensheng Hong, Mingdeng Wei,* Yongyao Xia*

[77] Self-Assembled Nanoporous Rutile TiO2 Mesocrystals with Tunable Morphologies for High Rate Lithium-Ion Batteries
Nano Energy 2012, 1, 466-471
Zhensheng Hong, Mingdeng Wei,* Tongbin Lan, Guozhong Cao*

[76] Unique Ordered TiO2 Superstructures with Tunable Morphology and Crystalline Phase for Improved Lithium Storage Properties
Chem. Eur. J., 2012, 18, 10753-10760
Zhensheng Hong, Yuxia Xu, Yubin Liu, Mingdeng Wei*

[75] Incorporating Zn2SnO4 quantum dots and aggregates for enhanced performance in dye-sensitized ZnO solar cells
Chem. Eur. J., 2012, 18, 11716-11722
Yafeng Li, Ya Wang, Caiyun Chen, Aiying Pang, Mingdeng Wei*

[74] ZnV2O4-CMK nanocomposites as anode materials for rechargeable lithium-ion batteries
J. Mater. Chem., 2012, 12, 14284-14288
Lingxing Zeng, Fuyu Xiao, Jingchao Wang, Shaokang Gao, Xiaokun Ding, Mingdeng Wei*

[73] Metal-Organic Frameworks: Promising Materials for Enhancing Electrochemical Properties of Nanostructural Zn2SnO4 Anode in Li-ion Batteries
CrystEngComm., 2012, 14, 2112-2116
Xiangzhen Zheng, Yafeng Li, Yuxia Xu, Zhensheng Hong, Mingdeng Wei*

[72] Improving the efficiency of CdS quantum dot-sensitized Zn2SnO4 solar cells by surface treatment with Al3+ ions
Electrochim. Acta, 2012, 60, 66-70
Yafeng Li, Binbin Guo, Xiangzhen Zheng, Aiying Pang, Mingdeng Wei*

[71] Metal platinum-wrapped mesoporous carbon for sensitive electrochemical immunosensing based on cyclodextrin functionalized graphene nanosheets
Electrochim. Acta, 2012, 68, 158-165
Lingxing Zeng, Qunfang Li, Guonan Chen, Dianping Tang,* Mingdeng Wei*

[70] Dye-sensitized SrSnO3 Solar Cells with Enhanced Efficiency by Chemical Bath Deposition
Electrochim. Acta, 2012, 70, 313-317
Yafeng Li, Huixing Zhang, Binbin Guo, Mingdeng Wei*

[69] Fabrication of hierarchical hollow MoO2 microspheres constructed from small spheres
Mater. Lett., 2012, 79, 149-151
Huixing Zhang, Yafeng Li, Zhensheng Hong, Mingdeng Wei*

[68] Dye-sensitized solar cells composed of Ti1-xSnxO2 nanocrystals
Mater. Chem. Phys., 2012, 135, 46-50
Aiying Pang, Yafeng Li, Huixing Zhang, Yangzhong Wang, Mingdeng Wei*

[67] Flexible Dye-Sensitized ZnO Quantum Dots Solar Cells
RSC Adv., 2012, 2, 9565-9570
Aiying Pang, Caiyun Chen, Ling Chen, Wei Liu, Mingdeng Wei*

[66] Complex Spinel Titanate Nanowires for a High Rate Lithium-Ion Battery
Energy Environ. Sci., 2011, 4, 1886-1891. IF = 9.61 (化学1区)
Zhensheng Hong, Xiangzhen Zheng, Xiaokun Ding, Lilong Jiang, Mingdeng Wei,* Kemei Wei

[65] Significant reduction of harmful compounds in tobacco smoke by the use of titanate nanosheets and nanotubes
Chem. Commun., 2011, 47, 6153-6155. (google检索, 对此成果的评论超过10万条)
Qixin Deng, Chaozhang Huang, Wei Xie, Jianping Zhang, Yiqiang Zhao, Zhengsheng Hong, Aiying Pang, Mingdeng Wei*

[64] Metal-Organic Frameworks: Promising Materials for Improving the Open Circuit Voltage of Dye-Sensitized Solar Cells
J. Mater. Chem., 2011, 21, 17259-17264
Yafeng Li, Aiying Pang, Changju Wang, Mingdeng Wei*

[63] Magnetic Mesoporous Organic-Inoganic NiCo2O4 Hybrid Nanaomaterials for Electrochemical ImmunosensorsACS Appl. Mater. Interfaces, 2011, 3, 1366-1373. (## 第一、二作者贡献同等)
Qunfang Li,## Lingxing Zeng,## Jinchao Wang, Dianping Tang,* Bingqian Liu, Guonan Chen, Mingdeng Wei*

[62] CdS Quantum-Dot-Sensitized Zn2SnO4 Solar Cell
Electrochim Acta, 2011, 56, 4902-4906
Yafeng Li, Aiying Pang, Mingdeng Wei*

[61] Spinel Li2MTi3O8 (M=Mg, Mg0.5Zn0.5) Nanowires with Enhanced Electrochemical Lithium Storage
Funct. Mater. Lett., 2011, 4, 65-69
Zhensheng Hong, Tongbin Lan, Yongzan Zheng, Lilong Jiang, Mingdeng Wei*

[60] Ultrathin Li4Ti5O12 Nanosheet as High Performance Anode for Li-ion Battery
Funct. Mater. Lett., 2011, 4, 389-393
Zhensheng Hong, Tongbin Lan, Fuyu Xiao, Huixing Zhang, Mingdeng Wei*

[59] A redox-assisted molecular assembly of molybdenum oxide amine composite nanobelts
J. Alloys Comp., 2011, 504, 864-867
Luo Haiyan, Mingdeng Wei,* Kemei Wei

[58] Template-Free Synthesis of SnO2 Nanostructural Hollow Spheres Covered by Nanorods
Mater. Lett., 2011, 65, 1645-1647
Chunlong Zheng, Xiangzhen Zheng, Zhensheng Hong, Xiaokun Ding, Mingdeng Wei*

[57] Improving the efficiency of dye-sensitized Zn2SnO4 solar cells: the role of Al3+ ions
Electrochim. Acta, 2011, 56, 9257-9267
Yafeng Li, Xiangzhen Zheng, Huixing Zhang, Mingdeng Wei*

[56] Magneto-controlled electrochemical immunosensor for direct detection of squamous cell carcinoma antigen by using serum as supporting electrolyte
Biosensor Bioelectr., 2011, 27, 153-159
Qunfang Li, Dianping Tang,* J. Tang, B. Su, Guonan Chen, Mingdeng Wei

[55] A New Anode Material Made of Zn2Ti3O8 Nanowires: Synthesis and Electrochemical Properties
Chem. Commun., 2010, 46, 740-742
Zhensheng Hong, Mingdeng Wei,* Qixin Deng, Xiaokun Ding, Lilong Jiang, Kemei Wei
[54] Li2ZnTi3O8 nanorods: A new anode material for lithium-ion battery
Electrochem. Commun., 2010, 12, 720-723
Zhensheng Hong, Mingdeng Wei,* Xiaokun Ding, Lilong Jiang, Kemei Wei

[53] The effect of surface etching on the efficiency of ZnO-based dye sensitized solar cells
Langmuir, 2010, 26, 7153-7156
Fengbo Yan, Lihua Huang, Jinsheng Zheng, Jin Huang, Zhang Li, Feng Huang*, Mingdeng Wei*

[52] Metal-free indoline dye sensitized solar cells based on nanocrystalline Zn2SnO4
Electrochem. Commun., 2010, 12, 319-322
Lihua Huang, Lilong Jiang, Mingdeng Wei*

[51] Electrochemical behavior of thionine at titanate nanotubes-based modified electrode: A sensing platform for the detection of trichloroacetic acid
Talanta, 2010, 81, 1461-1466
Hong Dai, H. Xu, Xiaoping Wu, Y. Lin, Mingdeng Wei, Guonan Chen*

[50] Selective Synthesis of Rutile, Anatase, and Brookite Nanorods by a Hydrothermal Route
Current Nanosci., 2010, 6, 479-782
Qixin Deng, Mingdeng Wei,* Zhensheng Hong, Xiaokun Ding, Lilong Jiang, Kemei Wei

[49] Biocompatible electrochemiluminescent biosensor for choline based on enzyme/titanate nanotubes/chitosan composite modified electrode
Biosensor Bioelectr., 2010, 25, 1414-1419
Hong Dai, Yuwu Chi, Xiaoping Wu, Youmei Wang, Mingdeng Wei, Guonan Chena*

[48] Large Single-Crystal Anatase TiO2 Bipyramids
J. Cry. Growth, 2010, 312, 213-219
Qixin Deng, Mingdeng Wei,* Xiaokun Ding, Lilong Jiang, Kemei Wei

[47] Synthesis of Nb2O5 nanosheets and its electrochemical measurements
Mater Chem. Phys., 2010, 120, 6-9
Haiyan Luo, Mingdeng Wei*, Kemei Wei

[46] Hydrothermal synthesis and electrochemical properties of orthorhombic LiMnO2 nanoplates
J. Alloys Comp., 2010, 492, 601-604
Yi He, Ronghua Li, Xiaokun Ding, Lilong Jiang, Mingdeng Wei*

[45] Crystalline VO2(B) Nanorods with a Rectangular Cross Section
Mater. Chem. Phys.,2010, 121, 254-258
Zhanjun Chen, Shaokang Gao, Lilong Jiang, Mingdeng Wei,* Kemei Wei

[44] Crystalline MnV2O6 Nanobelts: Synthesis and Electrochemical Properties
J. Alloys Comp., 2010, 495, 185-188
Wenda Huang, Shaokang Gao, Xiaokun Ding, Lilong Jiang, Mingdeng Wei*

[43] Single-Crystalline Nanobelts of V3O7?H2O: A Lithium Intercalation Host with Large Capacity
Electrochim. Acta, 2009, 54, 1115-1118
Zhanjun Chen, Shaokang Gao, Mingdeng Wei,* Kemei Wei, Haoshen Zhou*

[42] A New Metastable phase of MoO3?0.3H2O nanobelts
Mater. Chem. Phys., 2009, 113, 85-90
Haiyan Luo, Mingdeng Wei,* Kemei Wei

[41] Haiyan Luo, Mingdeng Wei,* Kemei Wei, Synthesis of Nb2O5 nanorods by a soft chemical process
J Nanomater., 2009, art. No. 758353 (doi:10.1155/ 2009/758353)
Haiyan Luo, Mingdeng Wei,* Kemei Wei

[40] Fabrication of a new ECL biosensor for choline by encapsulating choline oxidase into titanate nanotubes and Nafion composite film
Electrochem. Commun., 2009, 11, 1599-1602
Hong Dai, Xiaoping Wu, Huifeng Xu, Mingdeng Wei, Youmei Wang and Guonan Chen*

[39] Brookite-Type TiO2 Nanotubes
Chem. Commun., 2008, 3657-3659
Qixin Deng, Mingdeng Wei,* Xiaokun Ding, Lilong Jiang, Binhuo Ye, Kemei Wei

[38] Nb2O5 Nanobelts: A Lithium Intercalation Host with Large Capacity and High Rate Capability
Electrochem. Commun., 2008, 10, 980-983
Mingdeng Wei,* Kemei Wei, Masaki Ichihara, Haoshen Zhou*

[37] High Rate Performances of Hydrogen Titanate Nanowire Electrode
Electrochem. Commun., 2008, 10, 1164-1167
Mingdeng Wei,* Kemei Wei, Masaki Ichihara, Haoshen Zhou*

[36] Synthesis of Single-Crystal Niobium Pentoxide Nanobelts
Acta Mater., 2008, 56, 2488-2494
Mingdeng Wei, Zhi-mei Qi, Masaki Ichihara, Haoshen Zhou*

[35] Lithium Insertion in Ultro-Thin 1Nanobelts of Ag2V4O11/Ag
Electrochim. Acta, 2008, 53, 8134-8137
Zhanjun Chen, Shaokang Gao, Ronghua Li, Mingdeng Wei,* Kemei Wei, Haoshen Zhou

[34] Single-Crystal Vanadium Pentoxide Nanowires
J. Nanosci. Nanotech., 2008, 8, 3500-3503
Shaokang Gao, Yuzhen Chen, Haiyan Luo, Lilong Jiang, Binhuo Ye, Mingdeng Wei*, Kemei Wei

[33] Formation of single-crystal γ-MnO2 nanowires at room temperature
J. Cry. Growth, 2008, 310, 2738-2741
Haiyan Luo, Mingdeng Wei,* Kemei Wei

[32] VO2 Rods with a Rectangular Cross Section
J. Crys. Growth, 2008, 310, 4301-4304
Lilong Jiang, Mingdeng Wei*, Binghuo Ye, Kemei Wei

[31] Mesoporous Titania Nanotubes: Their Preparation and Application as Electrode Materials for Lithium-Based Devices
Adv. Mater., 2007, 19, 3016-3020. (## 同等贡献)
Kaixue Wang,## Mingdeng Wei,## Michael A. Morris, Justin D. Holmes,* H. S. Zhou*

[30] Supercritical Fluid Processing Porous Crystalline TiO2 Thin Films for Highly Efficiency Dye-Sensitized Solar Cells
J. Mater. Chem., 2007, 17, 3888-3893
Mingdeng Wei, Kaixue Wang, Masatoshi Yanagida, Hideki Sugihara, Justin D. Holmes,* Haoshen Zhou*

[29] Single-Crystal ZnO Nanorods Fabritcated with Different End Morphology
Nanotechnology, 2007,18, 095608. (2007被下载554次, 成为被下载最多的论文之一)
Mingdeng Wei, Zhi-mei Qi, Masaki Ichihara, Itaru Honma, Haoshen Zhou*

[28] Synthesis of One-Dimensional Structure Sodium Titanate
J. Nanosci. Nanotech., 2007, 7, 1065-1068
Mingdeng Wei, Zhi-mei Qi, Masaki Ichihara, Itaru Honma, Haoshen Zhou*

[27] Synthesis and Characterization of Nanosheet-Shaped Titanium Dioxide
J. Mater. Sci., 2007, 42, 529-533
Mingdeng Wei,* Yoshinari Konishi and Hironori Arakawa

[26] Broadband Surface Plasmon Resonance Spectroscopy for Determination of Refractive-Index Dispersion of Dielectric Thin Films
Appl. Phys. Lett., 2007, 90, 181112.
Zhi-mei Qi, Mingdeng Wei, Itaru Honma, Haoshen Zhou*

[25] Thin Films Composed of Multiwalled Carbon Nanotubes, Gold Nanoparticles and Myoglobin for Humidity Detection at Room Temperature
CHEMPHYSCHEM, 2007, 8, 264-269
Zhi-mei Qi, Mingdeng Wei, Itaru Honma, Haoshen Zhou*

[24] Particle Size Dependence of the Lithium Storge Capability and High Rate Performance of Nanocrystalline Anatase TiO2 Electrode
J. Power Sources, 2007, 166, 239-243
Chunhai Jiang, Mingdeng Wei, Zhi-mei Qi, Tetsuichi Kudo, Itaru Honma, Haoshen Zhou*

[23] Systematic Characterization of spectral surface plasmon resonance sensors with absorbance measurement
Appl. Optics, 2007, 46, 7963-7969
Zhi-mei Qi, Shanhong Xia, Mingdeng Wei, Itaru Honma, Haoshen Zhou*

[22] Synthesis of Tubular Titanate via a Self-Assembly and Self-Removal Process
Inorg. Chem., 2006, 45, 5684-5690
Mingdeng Wei,* Haoshen Zhou,* Yoshinari Konishi, Hideki Sugihara, Masaki Ichihara, Hironori Arakawa

[21] Highly efficient dye-sensitized solar cells composed of mesoporous titanium dioxide
J. Mater. Chem., 2006, 16, 1287-1293
Mingdeng Wei,* Yoshinari Konishi, Haoshen Zhou, Masatoshi Yanagida, Hideki Sugihara,* Hironori Arakawa

[20] Ultralong Single-crystal TiO2-B Nanowires: Synthesis and Electrochemical Measurements
Chem. Phys. Lett., 2006, 424, 316-320
Mingdeng Wei, Zhi-mei Qi, Masaki Ichihara, Itaru Honma, Haoshen Zhou

[19] Utilization of Titanate Nanotubes as an Electrode Material in Dye-Sensitized Solar Cells
J. Electrochem. Soc., 2006, 153, A1332-1234
Mingdeng Wei,* Yoshinari Konishi, Haoshen Zhou, Hideki Sugihara, Hironori Arakawa

[18] Synthesis of single-crystal vanadium dioxide nanosheets by the hydrothermal process
J. Cry. Growth, 2006, 296, 1-5
Mingdeng Wei, Zhi-mei Qi, Masaki Ichihara, Masayuki Hirabayashi, Itaru Honma, Haoshen Zhou*

[17] Biosensing Properties of Titanate-Nanotube Films: Selective Detection of Dopamine in the Presence of Ascorbate and Uric Acid
Adv. Funct. Mater., 2006, 16, 371-376
Aihua Liu, Mingdeng Wei, Itaru Honma, Haoshen Zhou*

[16] One-dimensional proton conductor under high vapor pressure condition employing titanate nanotubeElectrochem. Commun., 2006, 8, 1549-1552
Masanori Yamada, Mingdeng Wei, Itaru Honma, Haoshen Zhou*

[15] Sensitive Slab Optical Waveguides Composed of Mesoporous Metal-Oxide Thin Films on the Tin-Diffused Layers of Float Glass Substrates
J. Appl. Phys., 2006, 100, 083102
Zhi-mei Qi, Mingdeng Wei, Itaru Honma, Haoshen Zhou*

[14] A New Metastable Phase of Single-Crystal V2O4?0.25H2O Nanowires: Synthesis and Electrochemical Measurements
Adv. Mater., 2005, 17, 2964-2969
Mingdeng Wei,* Hideki Sugihara, Itaru Honma, Masaki Ichihara, Haoshen Zhou*

[13] Direct Electrochemistry of Myoglobin Immobilized in Titanate Nanotube Film
Anal. Chem., 2005, 77, 8068-8074
Aihua Liu, Mingdeng Wei, Itaru Honma, Haoshen Zhou*

[12] Synthesis of Single-Crystal Manganese Dioxide Nanowires by a Soft Chemical Process Nanotechnology, 2005, 16, 245-249
Mingdeng Wei,* Yoshinari Konishi, Haoshen Zhou, Hideki Sugihara,* Hironori Arakawa

[11] Formation of nanotubes TiO2 from layered titanate particles by a soft chemical process
Solid State Commun., 2005, 133, 493-497
Mingdeng Wei,* Yoshinari Konishi, Haoshen Zhou, Hideki Sugihara* Hironori Arakawa

[10] A simple method to synthesize nanowires titanium dioxide from layered titanate particles
Chem. Phys. Lett., 2004, 400, 231-234
Mingdeng Wei,* Yoshinari Konishi, Haoshen Zhou, Hideki Sugihara, Hironori Arakawa

[9] Synthesis and Characterization of Zirconium Containing Mesoporous Silicates and the Utilization as Support of Cobalt Catalysts for Fischer-Tropsch Synthesis
Catal. Commun., 2004, 5, 597-603
Mingdeng Wei,* Kiyomi Okabe, Hironori Arakawa, Yasutake Teraoka

[8] Fischer-Tropsch Synthesis over Co-SiO2 Catalysts Prepared by the Sol-Gel Method
Catal. Today, 2004, 89, 431-438
Kiyomi Okabe,* Xiaohong Li, Mingdeng Wei, Hironori Arakawa

[7] Fischer-Tropsch Synthesis over Metal-Promoted Co-Ir-SiO2 Catalysts Prepared by the Alkoxide Method
J. Jpn. Petrol. Inst., 2003, 46, 339-342
Mingdeng Wei, Kiyomi Okabe, Hironori Arakawa

[6] Fischer-Tropsch Synthesis over Cobalt Catalysts Supported on Mesoporous Metallo-Silicates
Energy & Fuels, 2003, 17, 822-828
Kiyomi Okabe, Mingdeng Wei, Hironori Arakawa

[5] Mesoporous Metallo-Silicates as a Support of Cobalt Catalysts for Slurry Phase Fisher-Tropsch Synthesis
New J. Chem., 2003, 27, 928-932
Mingdeng Wei,* Kiyomi Okabe, Hironori Arakawa, Yasutake Teraoka

[4] Fischer-Tropsch Synthesis over Cobalt Catalysts Supported on Modified SiO2 with Mesoporous Silica
Reac. Kinetics Catal. Lett., 2002, 77, 381-387
Mingdeng Wei,* Kiyomi Okabe, Hironori Arakawa, Yasutake Teraoka

[3] Fisher-Tropsch Synthesis over Cobalt Catalysts Supported on Mesoporous Alumino-Silicate
New J. Chem., 2002, 26, 20-23
Mingdeng Wei,* Kiyomi Okabe, Hironori Arakawa, Yasutake Teraoka

[2] Catalytic Property of AII2BIIBVIO6 Double Perovskites (BVI=Mo, W) for the Reduction of Nitric Oxide with Propane in the Presence of Oxygen
Mater. Res. Bull., 2000, 35, 521-530
Mingdeng Wei, Yasutake Teraoka,* Shuichi Kagawa

[1] Double Perovskites Containing Hexavalent Molybdenum and Tungsten: Synthesis, Structural Inestigation and Proposal of a Fitness Factor to Discriminate the Crystal Symmetry
J. Mater. Chem., 1998, 8, 2323-2325
Yasutake Teraoka,* Mingdeng Wei, Shuichi Kagawa


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(1) 2015年王涛获得福州大学2015届优秀本科生毕业论文;
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(4) 2013年郑成获得“第三届全国化学专业大学生科技活动交流会”优秀墙报一等奖;
(5) 2012年王雅娴毕业论文《介孔碳复合物在锂电池中的应用》获得福州大学特优毕业论文;
(6) 2012年王雅娴获得2012届福州大学优秀本科毕业生;
(7) 2012年陈玲获得2012届福州大学优秀本科毕业生;
(8) 2012年王小祥等获得“挑战杯”福建省大学生创业计划竞赛银奖;
(9) 2011年叶益凡、陈津、陈玲、陈双双、林谋生的科技作品《花卉发电》获得年全国大学生挑战杯科技竞赛三等奖、福建省二等奖及最佳团体创意奖;
(10) 2011年汪阳忠获得2011届福州大学优秀本科毕业生;
(11) 2008年洪振生获得福州大学优秀本科生毕业论文;

1. 酸化チタンシート構造体; 特願 2004-015482 (已授权: 特許第4214226号)
2. 酸化チタンナノチュウブ構造体の簡易な製造方法およびその製法で得られた酸化チタンナノチュウブ構造体;特願2004-228654 (已授权 特許4706053)
3. 酸化チタンナノワイヤ構造体の簡易な製造方法およびその製法で得られた酸化チタンナノワイヤ構造体;  特願2004-375169 (已授权:特許4654410)
4. 有机染料敏化介孔TiO2薄膜基的太阳能电池; ZL 200810071951.2
5. LiMnO2纳米片的制备及其在锂电池中应用; ZL 200910111794.8
6. 具有方形截面的VO2纳米棒制备及其在锂电池中应用; ZL 20081007149.5
7. 三电极结构的储能型染料敏化太阳能电池及其制备方法;ZL 200910111911.0
8. 高效率TiO2纳米管基的染料敏化太阳能电池; ZL 200810071952.7
9. 有机染料敏化锡酸锌纳米晶的太阳能电池及其制备方法;ZL 200910111330.7
10. 可控合成纯相锐钛矿、金红石、板钛矿二氧化钛纳米棒的方法;ZL 200810071481.X;
11. 高纯度一维结构Zn2Ti3O8纳米材料的制备方法及其在锂电池中的应用;ZL 200910112063.5
12. 高纯度钛酸锌锂纳米棒的制备方法及其在锂电池中的应用;ZL 201010300609.2
13. 一种立方相介孔钴酸盐三元氧化物的制备方法 ZL 200910311337.3
14. 由纳米棒组成的二氧化锡纳米空心球的制备及其在锂电池中的应用 200910306128.X
15. 高纯度的V3O7H2O纳米带的制备及其在锂电池中应用; ZL 200810070820.2 2010-2-17 (已转让)
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