日期:2017-06-10 阅读次数: 作者: 来源:

  美国药学会(AAPS)现有注册博士、硕士会员1.3万人左右。他们来自全球各个国家和地区,包括日本、韩国、香港、台湾。68日晚上,美国药学会的一份全球会员邮件使福州大学2017届博士毕业生董海燕在美国药学会一夜网红。下面的第一张图片是“我校毕业的董海燕博士与AAPS主席Alice E. Till博士的合影”。旁边写着“I donate to support future scientists like Haiyan”(我们的捐赠支持了未来的科学家海燕)。这是美国药学会成立27年来首次彰显中国大陆研究生的形象,尤其是福州大学研究生的形象。这也再次提升了福州大学在全球的影响力!


June 8, 2017
Meet Our 2017 Graduate Student Fellowship Recipients

Since 2013, the AAPS Foundation's vision is to empower not only current scientists, but the next generation as well.

It took only two years for the Foundation to be in a position to start awarding monies to fund research by undergraduate and graduate students and assistant faculty members—very much thanks to the generous support of AAPS members, donors, and corporate gifts.

Your support is particularly important today as the National Institutes of Health (NIH) and other federal agencies are prepared for the real possibility of experiencing budget cuts which could result in billions of dollars in reduction for research funding through 2021.

This year’s AAPS Foundation Graduate Student Fellowship winners include:

Elizabeth Gibson of Vanderbilt University for research entitled Novel Naphthyridone/Aminopipiridine-Derived Type I Topoisomerase-Targeted Antibacterials.
Akshay Jain of the University of Missouri Kansas City for research entitled Development of Protein and Peptide Based Delivery System for Targeted Therapy of Liver Fibrosis.
Dandan Luo of the University of Buffalo for Research entitled Doxorubicin Encapsulated in Porphyrin-Phospholipid (PoP) Liposomes for Chemophototherapy of Solid Tumors.
John Schardt of the University of Maryland for research entitled Engineered Multivalency for Improved HER3 Downregulation and Cancer Therapy.
Yangje Wei of the University of Kansas for research entitled Lumazine Synthase as a Nanoplatform for the Development of Ricin-Anthrax Combination Vaccine.
Mohd Khan of the University of Maryland for research entitled Anti-Sepsis Therapeutics Design Using Structure/Function Relationship.
Brandon Lucke-Wold of West Virginia University for research entitled The Pathologic Mechanisms Associated with Chronic Traumatic Encephalopathy.

Congratulations to the 2017 Graduate Student Fellowship recipients!  These accomplished young scientists have been awarded $10,000 USD each by the AAPS Foundation to continue their thesis research relevant to pharmaceutical sciences.

Visit our website for more information about the AAPS Foundation’s programs.

SUPPORT the scientists of the future with a generous donation to the AAPS Foundation today.