(10月14日)The Science and Technology of Catalysis as the Basis for Understanding and Studying Photocatalysis
日期:2024-10-14 阅读次数: 作者: 来源:

报  告  人: Masakazu Anpo教授(福州大学&日本大阪公立大学)

报告时间: 2024-10-14上午10:00~上午11:30

报告地点: 会议ID: 840-9537-3327科技园阳光楼二楼会议厅




In the past century, research on various catalytic systems has been carried out using various kinds of catalysts such as metals, metal oxides, metal sulfides, chalcogenides, zeolites, porous materials, metal-organic frameworks (MOFs), as well as organic polymers. Those research played an important role in the development of world society, however, to achieve much higher efficiency and higher selectivity, especially, in green and sustainable catalytic processes, innovative breakthroughs are still strongly desired.

In the present lecture, I would like to introduce the great achievements of prominent scientists in the catalyst and catalysis fields so that you can learn a lot from their valuable works since those are a very important basis for understanding and studying not only catalysis but also photocatalysis, especially, future sunlight-driven photocatalysis

I will present a short history of the development of catalytic science and technology including the works of Nobel Prize winners in Chemistry whose works are related to heterogeneous catalysis. Especially, I want to introduce a couple of masterpieces on the NH3 synthesis from N2 and H2 as well as the automobile three-way catalysts. These are special and very instructive research to understand catalysis from its fundamentals to its present industrial applications (below Figure)


The NH3 synthesis from N2 and H2 led to an industrial revolution and an increase in the world population due to an increase in agriculture production. On the other hand, the automobile’s three-way catalysts played an important role in the achievement of economic growth in the world. I introduce the science and technology of these catalysis.

As a notice, in my second lecture on Nov.14, “Solar Hydrogen Is the Key to Achieving Carbon Neutrality” will be presented. Thank you very much!




Masakazu Anpo(安保正一)教授是国际著名的光催化学者,被誉为固体表面光化学研究的先驱者。曾担任国际催化理事会理事,也是亚太催化学会的创始人之一,为催化科学和技术的发展做出了重要贡献。2008年成为首个亚洲籍欧洲科学院院士,2011年入选日本科学委员会委员,获2021年度中国政府友谊奖。曾任日本大阪府立大学常务副校长,现担任日本大阪公立大学名誉教授、福州大学特别荣誉教授、能源与环境光催化创新引智基地海外学术大师。先后出版110本书籍、发表540篇原创论文,累计引用超过3万次。