报 告 人: 刘强教授,清华大学
报告时间: 2025-02-25下午15:00~
报告地点: 嘉锡楼413
组织单位: 有机合成与功能福建省高校重点实验室
报 告 人:刘强教授,清华大学
刘强博士现任清华大学化学系副系主任,长聘副教授、博士生导师。2003年进入武汉大学化学与分子科学学院学习,2007年获学士学位, 2012年获得博士学位 (导师:雷爱文教授),随后赴德国莱布尼兹催化研究所从事博士后研究(导师:Matthias Beller教授)。2015年7月入职清华大学化学系开始独立工作,主要研究方向为丰产金属氢活性中间体的结构、性质与催化,及其在绿色合成、手性药物创制、生物质转化以及化学储氢中的应用。已发表学术论文80余篇,共计被引用7000余次。2012年获德国洪堡奖学金,2015年入选中组部千人计划青年项目,2017年获Thieme Chemistry Journals Award,2018年获得国家自然科学基金委员会优秀青年科学基金,2019年入选中国化学会“中国青年化学家钴元素代言人”,2019年起任《Green Synthesis and Catalysis》和《中国有机化学》期刊的青年编委, 2022年起担任《Asian Journal of Organic Chemistry》期刊的顾问编委,2021年获清华大学年度教学优秀奖,2022年获得国家自然科学基金委员会杰出青年科学基金,2023年获得Asian Core Program Lectureship Award,2024年入选Organic Chemistry Frontiers Emerging Investigator,2021年和2024年两次获评清华大学优秀博士论文指导教师。
The reduction of polar unsaturated bonds is a fundamental and important transformation. Common reducing agents include reactive metal hydrides such as LiAlH₄ and NaBH₄, which are typical anionic metal-hydride complexe. However, such reagents are usually utilized in stoichiometric amounts and generate large quantities of metal salt by-products, which do not align with the principles of green chemistry. Catalytic hydrogenation presents a more sustainable alternative, and its success hinges on the efficient formation and conversion of transition metal hydride intermediates. However, these intermediates are typically neutral complexes, and their hydride transfer reactivity and reduction capability are generally lower than that of anionic metal hydrides like LiAlH₄. To address this, we have developed an anionic manganese hydride catalytic system with high hydride nucleophilicity. The counter metal cation not only activates the substrate through coordination but also effectively stabilizes key reaction intermediates and facilitates favorable transition states. Additionally, it exhibits an enzyme-like chiral induction mode, enabling highly efficient and selective catalytic hydrogenation reactions.
报 告 人:刘强教授,清华大学
刘强博士现任清华大学化学系副系主任,长聘副教授、博士生导师。2003年进入武汉大学化学与分子科学学院学习,2007年获学士学位, 2012年获得博士学位 (导师:雷爱文教授),随后赴德国莱布尼兹催化研究所从事博士后研究(导师:Matthias Beller教授)。2015年7月入职清华大学化学系开始独立工作,主要研究方向为丰产金属氢活性中间体的结构、性质与催化,及其在绿色合成、手性药物创制、生物质转化以及化学储氢中的应用。已发表学术论文80余篇,共计被引用7000余次。2012年获德国洪堡奖学金,2015年入选中组部千人计划青年项目,2017年获Thieme Chemistry Journals Award,2018年获得国家自然科学基金委员会优秀青年科学基金,2019年入选中国化学会“中国青年化学家钴元素代言人”,2019年起任《Green Synthesis and Catalysis》和《中国有机化学》期刊的青年编委, 2022年起担任《Asian Journal of Organic Chemistry》期刊的顾问编委,2021年获清华大学年度教学优秀奖,2022年获得国家自然科学基金委员会杰出青年科学基金,2023年获得Asian Core Program Lectureship Award,2024年入选Organic Chemistry Frontiers Emerging Investigator,2021年和2024年两次获评清华大学优秀博士论文指导教师。
The reduction of polar unsaturated bonds is a fundamental and important transformation. Common reducing agents include reactive metal hydrides such as LiAlH₄ and NaBH₄, which are typical anionic metal-hydride complexe. However, such reagents are usually utilized in stoichiometric amounts and generate large quantities of metal salt by-products, which do not align with the principles of green chemistry. Catalytic hydrogenation presents a more sustainable alternative, and its success hinges on the efficient formation and conversion of transition metal hydride intermediates. However, these intermediates are typically neutral complexes, and their hydride transfer reactivity and reduction capability are generally lower than that of anionic metal hydrides like LiAlH₄. To address this, we have developed an anionic manganese hydride catalytic system with high hydride nucleophilicity. The counter metal cation not only activates the substrate through coordination but also effectively stabilizes key reaction intermediates and facilitates favorable transition states. Additionally, it exhibits an enzyme-like chiral induction mode, enabling highly efficient and selective catalytic hydrogenation reactions.