日期:2025-02-24 阅读次数: 作者: 来源:













2024.12-至今 福州大学化学学院,能源与环境光催化国家重点实验室

2018.09-2024.09 重庆大学,动力工程及工程热物理,硕博连读(导师:廖强教授、夏奡教授)

2022.09-2023.08 新加坡国立大学,化学与生物分子工程,国家公派联合培养

2014.09-2018.06 重庆大学,能源与动力工程,本科



1. Kai Lin, Ao Xia, Yun Huang, Xianqing Zhu, Kaiyong Cai, Zidong Wei, Qiang Liao*, Efficient production of sugar via continuous enzymatic hydrolysis in a microreactor loaded with cellulase, Chemical Engineering Journal 445 (2022) 136633.

2. Kai Lin, Ao Xia, Yun Huang, Xianqing Zhu, Xun Zhu, Kaiyong Cai, Zidong Wei, Qiang Liao*, How can vanillin improve the performance of lignocellulosic biomass conversion in an immobilized laccase microreactor system, Bioresource Technology 374 (2023) 128775. (福州大学顶级期刊

3. Kai Lin, Ao Xia, Qiang Liao*, Kun-Lin Yang*, Using orientational transition of acetone-doped liquid crystal triggered by vanillin as a naked-eye vanillin sensor, Sensors and Actuators: B. Chemical, 408 (2024) 135497.

4. Kai Lin, Ao Xia, Yun Huang, Xianqing Zhu, Xun Zhu, Kaiyong Cai, Zidong Wei, Qiang Liao*, Insight into the synergistic effects of surface microstructures and wall peristalsis on glucose production in a bionic microreactor, Chemical Engineering Journal, 490 (2024) 151602.

5. Kai Lin, Ao Xia, Yu Yang, Yun Huang, Xianqing Zhu, Xun Zhu, Kaiyong Cai, Zidong Wei, Qiang Liao*, Enhancing lignin depolymerization and enzymatic hydrolysis of lignocellulose by the synergy of ball milling and Fenton-like reactions, ACS Sustainable Chemistry & Engineering, 13 (2025) 2529-2540.

6. Ao Xia, Kai Lin, Tong Zhu, Yun Huang, Xianqing Zhu, Xun Zhu, Kaiyong Cai, Zidong Wei, Qiang Liao*, Improving the saccharification efficiency of lignocellulosic biomass using a bio-inspired two-stage microreactor system loaded with complex enzymes, Green Chemistry, 24 (2022) 9519-9529. (Back cover

7. 林凯,费娉婷,夏奡,黄云,朱贤青,朱恂,廖强*.内置三维结构的壁载纤维素酶微反应器内传递及转化特性.工程热物理学报2024, 45 (12) :3818-3828



2023 中国工程热物理学会传热传质分会王补宣-过增元青年优秀论文二等奖

2022 ABBS 2022-International Conference on Biohydrogen and Bioprocesses国际会议优秀口头汇报奖

2020 APEC YES CHALLENGE 绿色经济创新创业大赛亚军
