日期:2023-06-05 阅读次数: 作者: 来源:



邮箱:zhenlei at fzu.edu.cn









2018.11至2020.03:东京大学,理学院,化学系,特任研究员(Project Researcher);合作导师:盐谷光彦(Mitsuhiko Shionoya)教授

2020.04至2023.03:东京大学,理学院,化学系,特任助教(Project Assistant Professor);合作导师:盐谷光彦(Mitsuhiko Shionoya)教授



1. J.-J. Li,+ C.-Y. Liu,+ Z.-J. Guan, Z. Lei,* Q.-M. Wang,* Anion-directed regulation of structures and luminescence of heterometallic clusters, Angew. Chem. Int. Ed. 2022, 61, e202201549. (Hot paper; highlighted by WileyChem)

2. Z. Lei,+ M. Endo,+ H. Ube, T. Shiraogawa, P. Zhao, K. Nagata, X.-L. Pei, T. Eguchi, T. Kamachi, M. Ehara,* T. Ozawa,* M. Shionoya,* N-Heterocyclic carbene based C-centered Au(I)-Ag(I) clusters with intense phosphorescence and the organelle-selective translocation in cells, Nat. Commun. 2022,13, 4288. (Featured article; highlighted by日本经济新闻)

3. Z. Lei, J.-J. Li, Z.-A. Nan, Z.-G. Jiang,* Q.-M. Wang,* Cluster from cluster: a quantitative approach to magic gold nanoclusters [Au25(SR)18]-, Angew. Chem. Int. Ed. 2021, 60, 14415-14419. (Hot paper; highlighted by WileyChem)

4. Z. Lei, J.-J. Li, X.-K. Wan, W.-H. Zhang, Q.-M. Wang,* Isolation and total structure determination of an all alkynyl-protected gold nanocluster Au144, Angew. Chem. Int. Ed. 2018, 57, 8639-8643. (引用140+)

5. Z. Lei, X.-L. Pei, Z.-J. Guan, Q.-M. Wang,* Full protection of intensely luminescent gold(I)-silver(I) cluster by phosphines and inorganic anions, Angew. Chem. Int. Ed. 2017, 56, 7117-7120, 7319. (Hot paper; inside back cover; highlighted by AdvancedScienceNews)

6. Z. Lei, X.-L. Pei, Z.-G. Jiang, Q.-M. Wang,* Cluster linker approach: preparation of a luminescent porous framework with NbO topology by linking silver ions with gold(I) clusters, Angew. Chem. Int. Ed. 2014, 53, 12771-12775, 12971. (Inside back cover)

7. Z. Lei,+ P. Zhao,+ X.-L. Pei, H. Ube, M. Ehara,* M. Shionoya,* Photoluminescence control by atomically precise surface metallization of C-centered hexagold(I) clusters using N-heterocyclic carbenes, Chem. Sci. 2023, 14, 6207. (Front cover)

8. Z. Lei, X.-K. Wan, S.-F. Yuan, Z.-J. Guan, Q.-M. Wang,* Alkynyl approach toward the protection of metal nanoclusters, Acc. Chem. Res. 2018, 51, 2465-2474. (ESI高被引,引用380+)

9. Z. Lei, Q.-M. Wang*, Homo and heterometallic gold(I) clusters with hypercoordinated carbon, Coord. Chem. Rev. 2019, 378, 382-394.

10. Z. Lei, J.-Y. Zhang, Z.-J. Guan, Q.-M. Wang,* Intensely luminescent gold(I) phosphinopyridyl clusters: visualization of unsupported aurophilic interactions in solution, Chem. Commun. 2017, 53, 10902-10905.

11. Z. Lei,+ P. Zhao,+ Z.-J. Guan, Z.-A. Nan, M. Ehara,* Q.-M. Wang,* ‘Passivated precursor’ approach to all-alkynyl-protected gold nanoclusters and total structure determination of Au130, Chem. Eur. J. 2024, 30, e202401094.

12. Z. Lei, Z.-J. Guan, X.-L. Pei, S.-F. Yuan, X.-K. Wan, J.-Y. Zhang, Q.-M. Wang,* An atomic precise Au10Ag2 nanocluster with red-near-IR dual emission, Chem. Eur. J. 2016, 22, 11156-11160.

13. Z. Lei, X.-K. Wan, S.-F. Yuan, J.-Q. Wang, Q.-M. Wang,* Alkynyl-protected gold and gold-silver nanoclusters, Dalton Trans. 2017, 46, 3427-3434.

14. Z. Lei, X.-L. Pei, H. Ube, M. Shionoya,* Reconstituting the C-centered hexagold(I) clusters with N-heterocyclic carbene ligands, Bull. Chem. Soc. Jpn. 2021, 94, 1324-1330. (Backcover)

15. Z. Lei, S.-S. Chang, Q.-M. Wang,* Vapochromic gold(I)-silver(I) cluster protected by alkynyl and phosphine ligands, Eur. J. Inorg. Chem. 2017, 5098-5102.

16. Z. Lei, K. Nagata, H. Ube, M. Shionoya,* Ligand effects on the photophysical properties of N,N’-diisopropylbenzimidazolylidene-protected C-centered hexagold(I) clusters, J. Organomet. Chem. 2020, 917, 121271.


1. 王泉明,雷振,一种九核金簇合物及其合成方法,CN 2013 1 0375330.4,2015

2. 王泉明,雷振,金纳米团簇及其制备方法,CN 2017 1 0706947.8,2019

3. 王泉明,雷振,金纳米团簇及其高产率制备方法,CN 2017 1 0707552.X,2020

4. 王泉明,雷振,金纳米团簇制备方法,CN 2018 1 1056819.4,2021


1. 第100届日本化学会年会,2020年3月,日本,千叶县,野田市,东京理科大学(海报)

2. 第70届日本配位化学会讨论会,2020年9月,日本(线上,口头报告)

3. 第101届日本化学会年会,2021年3月,日本(线上,口头报告)

4. 2021年环太平洋国际化学会议(Pacifichem 2021),2021年12月,美国,夏威夷州,火奴鲁鲁市(线上,口头报告)

5. 第102届日本化学会年会,2022年3月,日本,兵库县,西宫市,关西学院大学(线上,口头报告)

6. 第39届日本药学会医药化学部讨论会,2022年11月,日本(线上,海报)

7. 2023年福建省化学会学术年会,2023年12月,中国,福建省,三明市(专题报告)

8. 中国化学会第9届全国物理无机化学学术会议,2024年3月,中国,福建省,厦门市,厦门大学(邀请报告)

9. 第34届中国化学会年会,2024年6月,中国,广东省,广州市(口头报告)


1. 日本科学会笹川科学研究助成项目(Sasakawa Scientific Research Grant, The Japan Science Society)

2. 日本科学技术振兴机构战略创造研究推进事业项目(Strategic Basic Research Programs, Japan Science and Technology Agency, 参与)

3. 福建省“闽江学者”奖励计划

4. 国家自然科学基金面上项目

5. 国家自然科学基金优秀青年科学基金项目(海外)
